Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Group
Thriving after soul-crushing narcissistic, covert narcissistic, sociopathic, psychopathic, borderline, financial, emotional, psychological, and litigation abuse is possible!

Have you ever wondered:
- Was it really that bad?
- Why did it take me so long to leave?
- How can I protect my children?
- Why do I miss him/her?
- How can I forgive myself?
- Can I ever love or trust again?
We’ll cover:
- How emotional predators use coercive control to exploit their prey.
- “Manipulation-ships” vs. relationships
- Power, domination, and control vs. intimacy, affiliation, and collaboration
- Gaslighting, blame shifting, triangulating, breadcrumbing, projection, offending from the victim position, and more.
- Projective Identification and DARVO (Deny Attack Reverse Victim & Offender)
- How to navigate smear campaigns and/or Family Court
Group info:
- Wednesdays, 11:30-12:30 PM
- $125/session
- Discounts for prepayment
- Reimbursable out-of-network
- If this time doesn’t work for you, please reach out for our next group.
Justena Kavanagh, LCSW-R
Justena Kavanagh, LCSW-R
[email protected]
212-777-6922 (NYCC)